Tuath Community is a hub where you can find out about all the latest news, events and initiatives that can help you on your journey in making your house a home. Whether you would like to take part in fun online or in-person activities, become a driver of change in your community by setting up a Residents Group, or register for the latest employment and training support programme, this page provides all the information you need.

How to get involved



Tuath Housing is committed to continual engagement by involving our tenants in a wide range of activities. We want to provide all tenants with a range of opportunities to have a say about how their housing services are delivered. It is a two-way process where we value tenant engagement and recognise it as a vital component to improving our service and increasing participation in local communities.

If you would like to get involved in setting up a residents’ group or organising an event in your scheme or would like more information on tenant engagement please fill out the form

Register Here

Learn more by clicking on the image below:

Monthly Bulletin

Tenant Corner

Tenant Corner is where you will find all our Tenant Engagement bulletins in which we update you on upcoming events month by month. As a tenant of Tuath Housing, we welcome you to take part in our workshops, events, competitions and initiatives. Each month we will provide a range of social activities, digital inclusion and events for our tenants to participate in. You can also tell us what type of events or workshops you would like to take part in by emailing our tenant engagement team at [email protected]

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Tuath housing

Residents Group Information

Residents groups can be formed by both Tuath residents and / or a mix of non Tuath and Tuath residents. These groups come together to represent the views of the residents in their developments with the aim of making their community a better place to live. Residents Associations work in conjunction with Tuath, other statutory bodies and other community organisations to address physical and social issues which may arise in their area.

If you would like to get involved in setting up a resident’s group, organising an event in your scheme or would like more information on the tenant forum please contact Margaret Hanrahan, Tenant Engagement Officer – 091 393280 [email protected]


Tenant Related News

Recent news and media coverage from Tuath Housing