Extended deadline – Housing Alliance call for tenders: Evaluating the classification of Approved Housing Bodies in Ireland


12th December, 2024

The Housing Alliance is calling for tenders to evaluate Ireland’s classification of Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs). 

In 2018, Eurostat and the Central Statistics Office took the decision to reclassify Ireland’s largest AHBs, placing them on the government balance sheet. The purpose of this research project is to evaluate what has changed in the sector in terms of financing, governance, and risk management since the decision was taken, and the extent to which the basis for that decision may have changed. Additionally, the research will assess and evaluate the current and potential impacts on AHBs, both positive and negative, of remaining on balance sheet. The final report will conclude with recommendations for next steps in terms of the classification of AHBs in Ireland. 

This research is jointly commissioned by The Housing Alliance which is a collaboration of seven of Ireland’s largest Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs): Clúid Housing, Circle Voluntary Housing, Co-operative Housing Ireland, Oaklee, Respond, The Iveagh Trust and Tuath Housing. 

To deliver social housing, the Housing Alliance works in partnership with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; local authorities; the Housing Agency; a range of funding partners; and the private sector. Collectively, the Alliance is responsible for over 44,000 homes nationwide. 

AHBs are not-for-profit organisations that have a social purpose to provide for people’s housing needs by working in collaboration with the Government, local authorities and relevant partner stakeholders. In particular, Housing Alliance members work in partnership with local authorities to support the provision of housing and, in many cases, additional supports. 

The deadline for submissions has been extended to 10 January 2025.

 To apply, please find further details here.



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