Project Summary

In January 2023, Tuath launched a Green Team which is a staff-led group focused on being champions for green initiatives across all areas of Tuath - from our head office to the homes of our residents. We aim to educate, encourage and raise awareness.

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The Green Team has representatives from all areas of Tuath’s operations to ensure that all areas of the business are considered. This includes New Business and Development, Finance, Corporate Services, Property Services and Housing.

Since its inception, the Green Team has hosted a number of staff and tenant events throughout the year, with the aim of educating, motivating and raising awareness.  We hope that the actions of the Green Team will have wide reaching impacts as staff bring their sustainability knowledge home to friends and families, as well as the potential for Tuath to have a significant impact on communities through engagement with our residents.

"As an organisation, we are also looking at the energy efficiency and environmental impact of the homes we provide; and where suitable, we are exploring innovative technological solutions to reduce the amount of carbon our houses are emitting into the atmosphere. We are also introducing better work practices in our offices to minimise our impact on the environment."

Kate Joyce - Head of Sustainability & Strategic Projects